Microsoft Excel Could Not Find Installable Isam
Hi All,Is there someone who can help on the following issue?I want to query an Excel file and ADO has an issue with mixed data types (text/figures). If ADO detects text, it imports 'null' for the figures. I need always text whatever the original type.Thanks.JP RonseHi All,I try to query an Excel file with Excel VBA but it doesn't work as expected.I use the string:ConString = 'Provider=Microsoft.ACE.oledb.12.0;' & 'Data Source=' & gvarFile & ';' & 'Extended Properties=Excel 12.0'but I have2 issues with it:1. The headers are not included in the result. This is not a big issue because I have to build the sql string (fields to extract) and I can create the headers in the same loop.2. While testing the code it came to my attention that some fields were blank and I knew that they contain a value. (mix of text and numeric values).
This is of course a big issue. How could I be sure that the returned results were correct?Google is your friend, on I found:ConString = 'Provider=Microsoft.ACE.oledb.12.0;' & 'Data Source=' & gvarFile & ';' & 'Extended Properties=Excel 12.0;HDR=YES;IMEX=1';The semi-colon at the end generates a compile error. Changed it to:ConString = 'Provider=Microsoft.ACE.oledb.12.0;' & 'Data Source=' & gvarFile & ';' & 'Extended Properties=Excel 12.0;HDR=YES;IMEX=1;'Now I get the 'could not find installable ISAM'.Further googling:ConString = 'Provider=Microsoft.ACE.oledb.12.0;' & 'Data Source=' & gvarFile & ';' & 'Extended Properties= 'Excel 12.0;HDR=YES;IMEX=1; '('Exc use of ')OK, no error about ISAM but:1. Still no headers2.
Microsoft Excel Could Not Find Installable Isam Csv File
Could Not Find Installable Isam
I was expecting that all returned values would be text, but no, figures remain figures. That is even worse because I use a lot of numeric values formatted as text because I need leading zero's.Hoping that someone can help.Kind regards,JP Ronse.